A person charged with OUI or Operating Under the Influence in Massachusetts is eligible to receive a first offenders program if they have no prior drunk driving offenses. Although they are not entitled to it most people can resolve their case and get the first offender’s disposition.
Alternative First Offenders Disposition
- Continued Without a Finding
- 1 Year Probation
- Statutory Fines and Fees ($600 as of 6/11)
- Enter and Complete 24D Class
- Brains at Risk (Mandatory in Some Courts, Not Required in Others)
- Hardship License Eligible
Conditions of Probation
- Cannot leave the Commonwealth without Permission of the Court
- Must report monthly to probation
- $65 per month Supervision Fee
- Must abide by terms and conditions set forth by the Department of Probation
24D Class
- 20 weeks at 90 minutes per week
- $567 Fee
- Must be enrolled to be eligible for hardship license